
The concept of pilot implies ‘in the wild’ experiments of systems that show off the value of the technologies developed within the project and hence provides feedback to both the technology development and overall design methodologies. The role of the pilots is to:

  1. Showcase the power of the systems developed within the project
  2. Demonstrate that the OER sources can be integrated and provide enhanced value when combined
  3. Provide feedback to the individual technology components helping to identify areas for improvement or further development
  4. Act as trail blazers for the exploitation of the results of the project, potentially acting as proofs of concept for spin out products.

The initial set of pilots includes:

  • Pilot 1: Organisation of educational material around the theme of ‘Computational Thinking’
  • Pilot 2: Organisation of educational material around the theme of ‘data science’
  • Pilot 3: Organisation of educational material around information (historical, contextual, cultural, etc) of potential interest to tourists in a particular UNESCO world heritage location.

1st Call for proposals for user testing in developing the use of new technologies and digital tools for Open Educational Resources in Slovenia can be found here.